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5 Jan 15 at 5:05 AM

Ciao Dennis:
For maps and guides to wineries in Piemonte, you have a couple of good options:
- The Slow Food “Slow Wine” guidebook is published in both Italian (~2000 winery listings) and English (~350 winery listings that have wines imported to the US). This is a good reference book for any Italian wine lover, as well as someone planning to visit Italian producers on a trip to Italy. The Italian version is most complete, and you don’t need to know Italian to use it well for planning & finding great wines to try.
- The 2015 English Version can be pre-ordered, as it is scheduled to be released on February 9, 2015. I have 20 copies available for pre-order in our Shop.
- The 2015 Italian Version is available now. I have a few copies available in our Shop.
- If you have an iPhone, can also get the App version for English in the App Store here. Note that this is the 2014 English version; the 2015 English version is not out yet.
- Alessandro Masnaghetti, an Italian who has made a life out of making higly-detailed maps of important wine regions like Barolo and Barbaresco, has a line of great iPhone apps for exploring, planning and visiting winemakers in Piemonte.
- You can get the Barolo App here in the App Store.
- You can get the Barbaresco App here in the App Store.
- There’s more info about Alessandro’s great work on his Enogea website here.
I hope that’s of some help. You can also check out the Vini d’Italia wine guidebooks that are released each year in Italian and English, but I find their less useful for planning (and more for just buying good wines).