Be Smart with your Smartphone in Italy

HomeDall'Uva ForumsItalian Travel & CulturePlanes, Trains & AutomobilesBe Smart with your Smartphone in Italy

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    • #3109
      Michael Horne

      Be SMART with your Smartphone in Italy, or come home to a huge billSmartphones are with us every day, even on holiday.

      If you’re traveling to Italy this year with your Smartphone or iPad, save yourself some real buck$ and read this before you go.

      Written by Seth Kugel, the master of Frugal Travel and writer at the New York Times.

      Smartphones can really bite you when you're traveling in ItalyHow to Avoid a Smartphone’s Bite

      By Seth Kugel
      Published: September 18, 2012

      TRAVEL and smartphones go together — and these days, texting, updating Facebook and good old tweeting-while-eating are the least of it. Instant access to Yelp, TripAdvisor and endless other apps helps with everything from choosing an entree, tracking down discounts, posting a photo and checking the traffic ahead. Add a healthy dose of old-fashioned phone calls from poolside or mountain trail, and you might say staying connected has become something close to a constitutional right.

      Just one catch: leave the country and your smartphone plan — much like the Constitution — no longer has you covered…


      Michael Horne, CS
      Los Gatos, CA USA
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