Enoteca Chianti Classico – Tasting 2000 Wines at Florence’s Mercato Centrale

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    • #6369
      Michael Horne

      Busy day at Enoteca Chianti Classico in the Central Market in Florence

      Foodies and lovers of Chianti Classico who travel to Italy will swoon over this news.

      Now open in the 140 year old San Lorenzo Mercato Centrale from 10AM to midnight, 364 days a year (closed on New Years Day) is the Enoteca Chianti Classico, a tasty tribute to the Sangiovese-based wines produced by members of the Chianti Classico Consortium.

      With 2000 labels from 350 “Gallo Nero” (black rooster) Consortium wineries available for tasting daily by the glass or the bottle, this is Nirvana for Chianti Classico wine fans.

      The Gallo Nero, or Black Rooster, is the symbol of the Chianti Classico ConsortiumTasting History.

      Grab a glass of this historic wine and start exploring the 12 gastronomic boutiques serving up regional specialties and dedicated to Florence’s artisan food heritage. You’ll find a restaurant, a pizzeria, a book shop and even a cooking school to while away your time in this beautiful market space.

      After sampling from the thousands of Chianti Classico wines, you can buy your favorites and take them home with you.

      Are you coming? Grand opening of the Primo Piano gastronomic space at Mercato Centrale in FlorenceNot sure how to get your prized Chianti back home to the States? Check out my article on Bringing Wine Home from Italy for the inside scoop on how to bring wine back to the States safely and legally.

      Grand Celebration.

      Florence has completely renovated and re-opened the 30,000 square foot “Primo Piano” (first floor) of the famous San Lorenzo Central Market, remaking it into a enological and culinary destination celebrating the best of the region.

      Marco Mori from New Press Photo was there to snap candid images from the grand opening event this week. Have a look at some of Marco’s work below, or check out his collection here.

      Primo Piano (first floor) of the San Lorenzo Mercato Centrale in Firenze (photo: Marco Mori)Primo Piano (first floor) of the San Lorenzo Mercato Centrale in Firenze.
      (photo: Marco Mori)

       Looks what’s cooking: cornetti and other heavenly baked goods await (photo: Marco Mori) Looks what’s cooking: cornetti and other heavenly baked goods await.
      (photo: Marco Mori)

       What’s a tribute to Italian gastronomy without a wood-fired pizza oven?  Pair this with an entry Chianti Classico and you’re all set. (photo: Marco Mori) What’s a tribute to Italian gastronomy without a wood-fired pizza oven?  Pair this with an entry-level Chianti Classico and you’re all set.
      (photo: Marco Mori)


      Michael Horne, CS
      Los Gatos, CA USA
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