Velvet Smooth Brunellos

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    • #12145

      I’m traveling to San Gimignano in May 2018. I’m planning at least two day trip to Montalcino to enjoy and learn more about the Brunello. Where are the smoothest, velvety Brunello grown in Montalcino? I understand that the vineyards in the North have much different characteristics than those in the South. Can you recommend a smaller vineyard to visit? Thanks Scott

    • #12150
      Michael Horne

      Ciao Scott — there are a number of producers you can visit that are smaller and have very distinctive styles. I’d suggest some of these to get you started:

      • Podere le Ripi — very serious Brunello maker with some amazing natural wines, ask for Sebastian.
      • Fattoi — More traditional producer with excellent price/value for their Brunello. I used to import and sell this regularly, they are great producers.
      • Il Colle — very small but excellent winemaker.
      • Colleoni Marino Podere Santa Maria — another modern natural wine maker producing some amazing Brunelli. Ask for Marino.
      • Campi di Fonterenza — Another great option, ask for Francesca
      • Paradiso Manfredi — one more to hit if you have time.

      Don’t forget that you’ll need to book reservations with these folks, and give yourself at least 90 minutes with each one for a visit. They will take their time and show you *everything* they make.

      To find their contact info, just google the name and add “brunello” to the google, like “fattoi brunello

      Happy travels!


      Michael Horne, CS
      Los Gatos, CA USA
    • #12151

      We enjoyed the Brunellos at Ventolaio near Montalcino. Very much a family operation, so make an appointment. They do not speak English, so I hope you have a little Italian!

      • #12616
        Michael Horne

        Another great recommendation, thanks Laurel!



        Michael Horne, CS
        Los Gatos, CA USA
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