Ciao Scott — there are a number of producers you can visit that are smaller and have very distinctive styles. I’d suggest some of these to get you started:
- Podere le Ripi — very serious Brunello maker with some amazing natural wines, ask for Sebastian.
- Fattoi — More traditional producer with excellent price/value for their Brunello. I used to import and sell this regularly, they are great producers.
- Il Colle — very small but excellent winemaker.
- Colleoni Marino Podere Santa Maria — another modern natural wine maker producing some amazing Brunelli. Ask for Marino.
- Campi di Fonterenza — Another great option, ask for Francesca
- Paradiso Manfredi — one more to hit if you have time.
Don’t forget that you’ll need to book reservations with these folks, and give yourself at least 90 minutes with each one for a visit. They will take their time and show you *everything* they make.
To find their contact info, just google the name and add “brunello” to the google, like “fattoi brunello”
Happy travels!

Michael Horne, CS
Los Gatos, CA USA